Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blogging is hard...

Its really,.... i mean really, hard to get into the habit of blogging! In fact, I totally forgot about the site until yesterday, at which point i started writing a blog and then go sidetracked. As of right now, this post might get interrupted cuz of this damn bird my aunt and uncle owns that just screams all the time. I may have to strangle it and thus may forget about this post.

Ok, so, new updates... We are proud to say we started booking some hot topic dates in the tri state area and are working on dates for the whole country. We can thank Jared of the Rockaway Hot Topic for that one! Thanks bro!

Our T-shirts will be here this week, and when they are, I will post them on here and on a site where you can buy them. It doesn't do any good to show you them and not give you a way to buy them now does it?

oh, and WOOHOO, i think we decided on a cover song to do and I am positive you will all LOVE it!! Along with all of the other songs we got to go with it, our shows are going to be freakin SWEET!!

Like I mentioned before, this tour is probably going to be pretty tough on us... so, we decided that, to save money, whenever we don't have a place to "crash" we will camp. Our families have been gracious enough to give us all sorts of camping equipment including some coleman propane grills, a couple tents, some lanterns, and some of those neato folding chairs that fit in the long bags. Oh, and also we got a couple coolers... a 60 day camping trip sounds like a hoot! lmao, or as chip says, lmafo... he always gets it backwards, lol.

Oh, more big news, we bought a shiny new TRAILER!! whoo hoo! it actually awesome, we got a great deal on it, and a warranty, so, now we are covered on the road for most anything that should happen. We gots road side assistance and warranties on both the SUV and the trailer. So, at least that's one thing we won't have a problem with on tour.

If we run out of gas, maybe we can go this route....

LOL! alright, well, I have a partay, shindig, get together, hootinany, etc to go to and I must get ready. Its a celebration biottccch!

Comment our blogs yo cuz you love us so....

1 comment:

  1. Yo guys.
    You still up for tomorrow? I still need to know the timing. Get back to me. Peace.

    Casey Whitman from Muzik Dizcovery.
